The people

Lukas Wyss
Lukas Wyss

Mr. Lukas is founder and motor of the EECCM. His great passion for horses and a great empathy for his riding students enable him to make horse and rider an effective team and take them the step further.

Lukas’ passion for horse started already in his childhood. At the age of 12 years, his development started in earnest. His most influential trainer and mentor was the legend Paul Weier. Paul gave him an expert level of equestrian training but also a wealth of insight into the work as professional riding and horse trainer. In 2004, Lukas got acquainted with “Natural Horsemanship” and spent time in the United States to be trained by one of the leading ‘horse whisperers’, Mr James Dixon. Lukas is a member of the US based Professional Association of Therapeutic Horse Riding.

Ning Wyss
Ning Wyss

Kru Ning is the loving wife and good soul of the EECCM. She has been building and supporting the EECCM since its inception. With her education in lungeing as well as horse therapy, Ning focuses on the Young Rider’s Program of the EECCM. With her loving and encouraging character, our youngest students very quickly find their courage and confidence in riding. With her former experience as a hotel manager, Ning also performs the varied administrative tasks

                                                                 of the EECCM.

The horses

Koenig is our largest horse, of excellent northern german pedigree. Kind, calm, quiet, very affectionate. He is the "husband" from Cookie.

Cookie, our grandmother. She's more than 30 years old but still gong strong. With all her life experience, just absolutely nothing can seem to upset her. And she's totally in love with Koenig.. :-)

Lola, our wonderful mix of arab stud with thai pony. She's not for our riding novices but will please our advanced riders with never ending energy.

April is our powerful carriage pony. And she is the undisputed boss of our herd.

Fanta, the most recent addition to our team. He's a very calm, attentive and friendly pony.

Lynchee has amazing power. She loves to run, and enjoys high jumping, too.

Malee has been with us for a long time already. She is a very good teacher and with he long hairs a real beauty.

Mario is the strongest among our thai ponies. He loves to do show jumping and can galopp very fast. At the barn he is a bit lazy, but always friendly and playful.

Buddy is our sweetheart gentleman. Always eager to do what is expected of him, he is the perfect match for our riding novices.

Our stable and riding area

The stable area has 8 horse boxes under a large, well aerated roof. In the image below, there's the entrance to the horse paddock on the left. On the right hand side, there's the accommodations for Ga and Don, our two horse grooms. Satellite TV included! And 'green thumb" Ning has turned that small patch on the right into a flowering jungle!

All horses have large open boxes to stay during the night, eating times and in between riding sessions. They all have concrete floor padded with rubber mats. Proper cleaning throughout the day is high on our list of priorities.

Image below shows our riding arena, just 50 metres away from the stable. That huge acacia tree gives some very welcome shade during the day!

The grassland around the arena also serves as grazing grounds for the horses in the early morning hours of the day.

After the heat of the day is gone, the horses have time to relax and refresh their friendships on the  large paddock next to the stable.

Come and take a look!